Blog Archive

Tuesday 29 December 2015

2016|New Me

2015 is nearly over....
Wow! That's crazy to me.This year has gone by so fast.I am really looking forward to 2016 because I am ready for a bit of a change.I have about 5 or 6 resolutions for 2016 and I am going to share them with you.

1. A more professional blog.
I am so ready to take this blog to the next level.My blog has basically been shot upwards.But I want it to improve it.I want it to be a lot more fresh,clean and more professional as I said :)

2. Have a more consistent/you tube channel.
I have mad 1 official video on you tube and I really have enjoyed trying to edit videos and everything that goes along with that but I have been so super busy so I have had no time but during 2016 I am going to really try with some more professional videos and editing.

3. My Education.
I have never been the most excited for school or to learn but I am really going to try for the end of sixth class and 1st year and secondry school and that is all I am going to say about that :)

4.My Skin.
My Skin has been really annoying lately.So I have really gotten into a solid routine and I am really committed to sticking with it.I want to say that I am sooooooooo lazy when it comes to washing my face but I have been really trying lately as it is Winter time and my face is getting dry and quite spotty and I really want to continue having a solid routine during 2016.

5.My Room.
I am quite a room clean freak.It is my one thing that has to be in order.Some of my friends get annoyed at me because I don't let them touch anything because I am so picking (lol) But my carpet is a mess and my bed is a bunk bed with no bottom bunk and they both annoy me so much and I am sooooooo happy because I am getting them replaced in 2016 so when everything i replaced I will have a room tour up on my you tube channel.

6.Be more active.
I am actually the least active person EVER! And I really want that to change.If you follow me on Instagram you already know that my family is getting a puppy.His name is Bruno he is the cutest thing ever and I am collecting him on January 8th and I can't contain my excitement.Since I am getting a puppy it will kind of force me to get out more and all of my friends with dogs and puppies (aka Everyone) has been saying that puppies are a lot of work So maybe that will get me more mature and responsible too.

They are my New Years Resolutions and I really hope to stick to it during the year and the next.I am gutted to say that this is my last blogpost of 2015 (sad face) This year has been amazing and I hope the following year is also fabulous.And I hope you all have a very safe and happy new year and I will talk very soon.

                                 And Remember 
                                             Stay Unique :)
                                                                                                                      xo Aisling